THE WHAT IF'S The what if's & the should haves will eat your brain.
John O' Callaghan Tweet
And Don’t Forget About The
When my mom died I was full of regret that I iddnt do enough to save her life, I didnt monitor the types of medication she was taking. I felt i wasnt effectionate enough during her last days. That I houkd have put her in to hospice, I haould have revived her when she stop breathing and most impotantly we both notice certain signs that she was ill just before she died. However I think we both just excused them as apart of the aging process, bad decision. most of the time your guilt feeling are just irrational thoughts but they can be very exhauting and fratrating and mentally debilitating. Folks dont be to hard on yourself this is a difficult time in your life. Your losing a major part of your family foundation and you may feel that the famly lagecy and unity is in jepardy and will never be the same again. Remember most of these situations dealing with our aging parents helth are behond our control or experince or level or expertise. For more information about this experience click here.