A funny thing happened when I lost my mom, and I began the arduous task of sorting through her personal effects. Well, at least I thought it was hilarious after 8 months. Hey, you better find some joy wherever you can find it during these difficult times because you’re going to need it, in order to survive this tragedy. Okay back to the story, I inherited everything my mom owned which also included my grandmother’s belongings, grandfather’s belongings, father’s belongings, and my step-father’s belongings, lol. You got it this included every gift and present I ever gave each of them almost 40-50 years worth. There are pictures, holiday’s cards, photos, documents, toaster ovens, computers, files, yarn, clothes, shoes, old address books, furniture, clocks, printers, antiques, pets, old pet supplies (oh, I’m now the proud owner of 5 animals) cars, property, microwave events, irons, ironing boards, games, the Ninja Air fryer, bread maker, panini maker, appliances, weapons, etc. I was so stressed out trying to decide what to donate, throw away, or sell that I literally had to take a 3-month break because this is really an emotional and physically draining task it’s worse than a rollercoaster ride. Mannnn, when you lose your mom it’s such an overwhelming personal experience the highs and lows never cease at least initially. There will be days where you will just feel like an emotional wreck, times when all types of crazy thoughts circle around in your head like buzzards. All most everyone goes through this experience, so I am told, I know I did. Here are 100 other things that you will probably experience after your mom’s death. Well, let me get back to sorting I have several generations, decades and categories items to shift through, oh the pain, the pain, life don’t you just love it?