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Hi folks, look here we’re all supposed to be adults on this site so if you can’t handle a little profanity, comedy or yelling(all caps) you may want to exit stage left now because grieving can bring out all types of feelings and emotions. This is an informal platform of expression, friendship, sharing, compassion, and learning to survive your new reality without your mom or parents.
If you want to use, profanity, yell, scream, fuss, cry, listen, read, or express the level of anger you are experiencing. Go ahead be our guest express on because this is a difficult time in your life that you and your family are going through and there are times to be quite honest when the only words that fit such an occasion like this are curse words but please remember to adhere to the Red Handkerchief Policy
One reason we swear is to release anger and frustration that may cause us duress if pent up. They say not to bottle up thoughts, feelings, and emotions, so let them out in the form of swear words! I mean let it all hang out here at I Was Her Angel. Tell us how you really feel about your mother’s death the circumstances surrounding it and your experience through this entire life-changing event. Remember grief is expressed differently by everyone there is no right or wrong way to deal with a mother’s death.
You can just about say and do anything you want on the I was Her Angel website except attack, belittle, berate, insult, disparage, argue, harass, fight, threaten, stalk, sexually harass, or disrespect other visitors or members who are seeking help. Please remember we are supposed to be understanding, compassionate, empathetic, a shoulder to lean on and most importantly a place to obtain INFORMATION from for the bereaved. Anyone not adhering to these policies will be given 1-3 warnings depending on the severity of the infraction and if that person continues to persist or disregard the Red Handkerchief Policy he or she will be removed from any group, forum, or discussion on this website. If necessary we can and will notify the proper authorities if we feel a staff member or guest is in danger by another visitor or may cause him to themselves. This also includes suicide prevention measures for visitors that are in danger of suicide due to severe complicated grief and depression from losing a parent.
Also if you find any misspelled words, grammatical errors or incorrect information please let us know and we will review your request as soon as possible and determine if it should be changed or acceptable per our unique website standards and quirks. However, please do keep in mind this is an informal website setting and you will see the Baltimorean accent written, southern terms, northern accents, Mason-Dixon terms, American slang terms, pop culture terms and content, icons, signs, alternative language, new terms, clinches, trending terms, and strange newly created profanity words. therefore, what you may deem as a grammatical faux pas may actually be written deliberately. Listen, we want you to relax, breathe, meditate and spend your time working on your grief, surviving coping skills regarding your mother’s death and not being a punctuation and grammar Nazi which defeats the purpose of the website. In other words, we are not politically correct on this site that’s not what we are here for or about.
Again please do not disrespect other grievers religions. If you do not believe in God that’s your prerogative but please do not put down others who do belong to a religious group or faith. Sometimes religion is the only thing left that someone grieving has to hold on to, just that little bit of hope for a brighter day.
Nothing is up for debate on this website, this is an avenue for you to express your grief and pain among others going through the same agony and sorrow.
Please leave the politics and race at home unless it has something to do with why you’re grieving (which I highly doubt)This site is about our MOM.
Although death is nothing to laugh about if you do not have a sense of humor on this website you may want to exit stage left again. Our goal is to be honest, inform, motivate and brighten your day and (RANT).
If you are a minor you should not be on this website without the supervision of a guardian.
With all that being said let’s talk about grief and losing MOM.

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