I have handpicked a group of unique resources that can be used by your entire family and friends for now and in the future. Whenever you get the opportunity to have that conversation about death with your family, please review these resource links; they will be beneficial to you when you are getting your documentation prepared ahead of time in the unfortunate event of your demise. Luckily, mom and dad, had everything organized; There were still some loose strings I pulled together to include what to do with their pets, which we decided to keep.


This is a list of resources and links to help you before and after your mother’s death.
Living Wake: If you are interested in hosting a living wake or funeral while your mom is alive.
The Endless Table: A collection of recipes of departed loved ones.
Death Questions: Experts answer end of life and dying questions.
The Will Bank: Create and store your living will, advance directives, etc.
Modern Loss: A community offering candid information on loss and grief

Recompose: Gently converts human remains into soil to nourish new life after death.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (US): A 24/7 lifeline to people in distress. If your mother is dying or has died please give them a call.
The Dinner Party:Â twenty – and thirty somethings having dinner talking about grief and loss how it affects them.
Advance Directive for Dementia: If you or a loved one is suffering from early-onset Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network: a full scale network of dedicated groups and support organization for pancreatic Cancer patients.
We Die:Â Meant to help individuals with their own deaths by making informed decisions and purchases.
Meet Grace:Â Online assisted-living directory and hospice.
Funeralwise:Â Everything you need to know about funerals from A to Z.
Mesothelioma Justice Network:Â Â The Mesothelioma Justice Network fights on behalf of victims of asbestos exposure.
It is the denial of death that is partially responsible for people living empty, purposeless lives; for when you live as if you'll live forever, it becomes too easy to postpone the things that you must do. You live your life in preparation for tomorrow or in remembrance of yesterday, and meanwhile, each today is lost.
Ross, On Death and Dying Tweet