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We have researched and assembled a list of checklists that will be helpful to you during your time of need while you are taking care of a terminally ill mother, and when your mother meets her untimely demise. Take your time and contact each organization and inquiry about their services, fees, staff, products, qualifications, and licensing. We know you are overwhelmed with grief and sorrow, but your mom and family need you right now.


After Death Checklist

AARP has put together a list of things that you should do after your love one dies.

Survivor's Financial Checklist

The Financial Planning Association has created a list for survivors of deceased family members to follow that will provide structure during such an overwhelming and painful time.

Hospice Care Checkist

Listed are some of the most important questions you should ask when interviewing a hospice service for your mother should you decide to go that route.

Are You Grieving Checklist

This checklist will help you determine if your grieving and to what degree the severity of your grief.

Advance Directive Checklist

This checklist will help you prepare and organize information on your advance directive(medical power of attorney). This will be important when or if your mom is no longer able to speak.

55 Grief Coping Strategies Checklist

This is a list of 55 strategies that may help you on your grief journey.  Try them out and see which ones work best for you.

In-Home Caregiving Checklist

This checklist will help you choose an in-home caregiving service or agency that will provide all of the services you need for your parent. (especially if they are terminally ill.)

Essential Document Locater Checklist

This is list will help you keep track of your parents important documents in case of an emergency. (I did not know my mom already had an advance directive so we had her sign a new one.)

For more information please visit grief articles