Adult Orphans
This website serves as an online community grief support organization based in Baltimore, Maryland, created by Bridget D. Gatewood after she lost her mother, Iris V. Palmer, on January 19, 2019, after a short battle with Pancreatic Cancer. I Was Her Angel is for survivors of deceased mothers. That prefer peer on peer support instead of traditional grief therapy. You will be among friends, other adult orphans, who share the same heartbreaking feeling that deep pain, numbness, shock, and anguish that you can not extinguish. Regardless of your race, country, age, political affiliation, sexual orientation, culture, religion, city, or gender, all are welcome to join us on this journey of healing. We are now members of a club that no one wants to be apart of because membership requires you to lose your best friend, your mother.
No matter what the circumstance surrounding your mom’s death, this is a life-changing traumatic event. For many people who have lost their mothers, it can be a frustrating, shocking, sad time. But you need to know that you’re not alone. Find some comfort and reassurance from your new friends at I Was Her Angel. Again, this will be your one-stop on and offline support and information center to assist you and your family with the grief of losing your mother. Please don’t try to do this alone; let us be there for you during your time of need.
Bruno Mars' mum Bernadette San Pedro Bayot, died at the age of 55 after suffering a brain aneurysm. Speaking to Latina magazine, Bruno said: "My life has changed. She's more than my music. If I could trade music to have her back, I would. I always hear her say, 'Keep going and keep doing it."
Folks, this is a grief website so there may be some profanity, euphemisms, Ebonics, indirect hints, and lighthearted comedy. If you’re easily offended this grief site may not be for you. You may want to exit at this time. The following pages may contain unorthodox or informal material. Any words or opinions presented in this section are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of I Was Her Angel. This site is a platform for grievers to express emotions from their loss and as you know pain and sorrow display differently in each person. We’re taking lemons and making lemonade out of them.