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Bad Day and Year From Hell

powerless grief and pain

A bad Day and Year from Hell – another day going through the pain and loss of losing your best friend, your mother.

Everyone has had a bad day almost once in their life. However, some days are worse than others. Within this kind, there is the day on which we lose our mother. It is impossible to describe the pain of losing your best friend and the women who has taken care of you, your entire life.

In every high and every low, your mother has been there for you with her support and trust. It is impossible to be ready for her loss, and the pain that comes with it is unique. Not even sleeping on a bed of nails, or any terrible thought you could come up with, will compare it.

There is an empty sensation that never disappears from a person’s heart, because we creat a special link with our mothers since we are in her belly. It is like when we miss something, and we cannot stop thinking about that thing.

It doesn’t matter the life circumstances because your mother’s death is a bad day, and if you cannot be able to move forward, it could become a year from hell. Despite this, you can’t change the fact that your mother died or the way you feel, but you can decide over the way you confront it.

I am not going to lie to you; the pain overcoming a mother’s death is too hard. The stages of the duel can last more than a spelling bee for you. However, you don’t have to worry, because everyone needs a different period of time to overcome the loss of a mother.

Some people only need a few months while others need some years. You only have to take your time and ask for professional help if you think you can’t control the pain that comes with the loss.

I can still remember the day that the light of my mother’s eyes went out. My mother died two years ago, and I can’t stop missing her. I was 45 years old when my mother passed away from a terrible disease. She was 70 years old, and unfortunately, she had been diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) some years before.

Initially, we had a lot of hope that she was going to be able to overcome this and live more time than the doctors expected. However, her disease advanced really fast, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. In the beginning, she kept living in her house taking care of her garden. She loved the roses and never let my brothers and I even watch them. She would be terribly mad if she found out that the roses for the mothers’ day gift we gave her came from her garden.

But this did not last too much because then she had to move to my house. She couldn’t stand up without help. The simple action of taking the fork and the knife was like a terrible puzzle for her. In some way, it reminded me when she taught me how to use the cutlery because I was a terrible mess, but she would never run out of patient with me. This is why I never lost mine with her.

It was too hard and frustrated for me to look at her in that condition, because she could not control her body anymore. Despite she had the willpower to resist the disease, it was like her body was not hers anymore. She gave the orders, but her body ignored them. It was like a car toy without batteries, and there was nothing that she hated more than the things that did not work.

It didn’t take too much until she couldn’t move anymore. I had to feed her and take her to the shower. I talked to her all the time and took her to the park in the afternoons because she loved to watch the sunset.

The daily routine of my mother and me for some years was the same, and we enjoyed the company of each other. However, a few days after she turned 70 years old, she started to have breathing problems. I ran to the hospital with her, but the doctors told me that her condition was complicated, because their breathing muscles had begun to fail.

My mother stayed in the hospital for only a week until she couldn’t take it anymore. The day she died was the worst day of my life, because I had lost my best friend. I never expected that the next days were going to be worst because my life and my daily routine revolved around her.

The first year after her death was like a scary movie. I woke up early in the morning, and I did not have anyone to smile to. I ate my breakfast and worked for hours, but I felt like a lost the purpose of my life because I did not have my best friend next to me anymore. In some way, I felt like a cellphone without a battery; useless.

I also went to the park, but it was not the same. It did not matter how many colors the sunset could have, because to me everything looked very gray, the way they say dogs see. At some point, I did not go out for a while because I just didn’t want to.

Thanks to a friend that used to visit me and my mother, I could try to move on. She recommended me that I should go with a professional because the loss of my mother had been too hard for me, and maybe I needed someone to talk.

Like almost everyone after this recommendation, I told her that I was not crazy. But, she was actually right. This professional helped me to release all the feelings I had trapped inside myself. Over time, that year from hell that seemed to geo out from a Stephen King book was over. I am always going to love my mother no matter what. And I am still making her inverted cake, so her smell is still in my kitchen. 

Posted on May 22, 2019, 6:00 am

I miss my mom nothing is the same I feel like my life is not mine. My mom died several months ago but I’m still in a state of shock. Does anyone else feel this way?Lets see oh where do I begin to pick up the pieces of my broken heart! Oh now I remember never have expectations then you won’t get hurt.

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