On this page, you will discover various poems about our dear mama. These poems in memory of mom are special tributes created when a beloved mother has died. Remembrance poems for mom may bring comfort and hope in times of great despair and sorrow. If you are interested in writing a poem about your mother or all deceased mothers in general please submit it to support@iwasherangel.com or you can simply reply with a poem in the comment section below and we will post it on this page. Please be sure to include the author.
If you enjoyed the Mom Poems Page please visit Mom Jokes and Mama Videos.
I wish I could
Shower your head with flowers
And anoint your feet with my tears,
For I know I have caused you
So much heartache, frustration and despair –
Throughout my youthful years.
I wish I could give you
The remainder of my life
To add to yours,
Or simply erase
The lines on your face,
And mend all that has been torn.
For next to God,
You are the fire
That has given light
To the flame in each of my eyes.
You are the fountain
That nourished my growth,
And from your chalice –
Gave me life.
Without the wetness of your love,
The fragrance of your water,
Or the trickling sounds of
Your voice,
I shall always feel
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem
Remembering My Mother
Remembering My Mother
© Belinda Stotler more by Belinda Stotler
Published: January 2009
My mother seems so far away from me
On that beautiful white shore across the sea.
Yet I remember love’s soft glow upon her face
And the feel of her touch and tender embrace.
When I am weary from the burdens I’ve borne,
And the path is unclear and I feel so forlorn,
I remember her loving support was always near
And her advice made the path ahead seem clear.
When I feel there is no one who seems to care,
Or when the heartache seems too hard to bear,
I remember how she always stood by my side
And would tenderly wipe away the tears I cried.
When there are moments of great joy and pride
And I wish my Mother was standing at my side,
I remember she saw more than I thought I could be,
And know I owe my triumphs to her belief in me.
When I reminisce about the things she used to say
And I miss her and think she is so far away,
I remember what she gave lives on through me,
And one day I’ll see her on the shore across the sea.
Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/remembering-my-mother–copd
To My Mother
Because I feel that, in the Heavens above,
The angels, whispering to one another,
Can find, among their burning terms of love,
None so devotional as that of “Mother,”
Therefore by that dear name I long have called you—
You who are more than mother unto me,
And fill my heart of hearts, where Death installed you
In setting my Virginia’s spirit free.
My mother—my own mother, who died early,
Was but the mother of myself; but you
Are mother to the one I loved so dearly,
And thus are dearer than the mother I knew
By that infinity with which my wife
Was dearer to my soul than its soul-life.
Edgar Allan Poe – 1809-1849
Missing Mama
© Claudia Lee more by Claudia Lee
Published: November 2008
I awake each morning to start a new day,
But the pain of losing you never goes away.
I go about the things I have to do,
And as the hours pass, I think again of you.
I want to call you and just hear your voice.
Then I remember that I have no choice,
For you are not there and now my heart cries
Just to see you again, to tell you goodbye.
To say, “Mama I love you and I always will,”
And hope that much of you in me you’ve instilled.
The day that you left I just didn’t know
That you were going where I couldn’t go.
And now all my memories of you are so dear,
But gosh, how I miss you and wish you were here.
Who now can hear me when I need to cry?
It’s so hard to tell you, “Mama goodbye.”
Someday I know all will be well
And I’ll see you again with stories to tell
Of how you were missed and how we have grown
And how good it is to finally be home.
Until then my memories of you I’ll keep near,
And I’ll pass them on to those who are dear.
I miss you, Mama!
Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/missing-mama–lung-cancer
How Grateful I Would Be To Have Just One More Day
© Kathy J Parenteau more by Kathy J Parenteau
Published: December 2013
If I could have just one more day and
wishes did come true,
I’d spend every glorious moment
side by side with you.
Recalling all the years we shared
and memories we made,
how grateful I would be
to have just one more day.
Where the tears I’ve shed are
not in vain and only fall in bliss.
So many things I’d let you know
about the days you’ve missed.
I wouldn’t have to make pretend
you never went away.
How grateful I would be to
have just one more day.
When that day came to a close
and the sun began to set,
a million times I’d let you know
I never will forget
the heart of gold you left behind
when you entered Heaven’s gate.
How grateful I would be to
have just one more day.
Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/how-grateful-i-would-be-to-have-just-one-more-day
No Goodbyes
© Annette R. Hershey more by Annette R. Hershey
Published: November 2016
Oh Father, can you hear me?
I’m sending a prayer your way,
I’m clutching hard to my faith, as mom taught me,
As she draws closer to you each day.
I talk to her in whispers,
And I hope she hears me pray,
I hope you send an angel
To guide her towards your way.
I continue to tell her I love her
And thank her for all the sacrifices she has made
And for the unconditional love,
No matter what kind of behavior I displayed.
Mom, can you hear me?
I have so much more to say.
I will continue on with your legacy.
I hope I can be as strong as you one day.
You taught me the importance of family.
I have learned from the very best.
Don’t you worry yourself now, Mom,
You keep yourself at rest.
I’m sorry if I’m selfish.
I’m not ready to let go of your hand.
I’m trying to remember the message
From “Footprints In The Sand.”
Dear Mom, can you please wake up?
I have not heard your voice today.
I promise I would sit and listen
To everything you want to say.
I know you are getting weary.
You are ready to go home.
I imagine you are dreaming of your Savior
Sitting upon his throne.
I hope you take my love with you,
As tears fall on your cheek.
Dear God, please carry me through this,
I’m feeling very weak.
Dear Mom, I’m very thankful
For all the years we’ve had.
I’m trying to remember you laughing
So I will not stay so very sad.
Through the rest of my life I will carry
All your love with me.
I promise I will be the best mom, grandmother and person
That I can possibly be.
Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/no-goodbyes