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Maintaining your Health Before and After your Mother Dies

maintaining your health during the grief process


For Heaven’s sake please take care of your health while your grieving because it can wear you down and possibly kill you. I lost 20 pounds in thirty days while being a caretaker for my mom. When she died I gained everything back plus 20 more pounds in 20 days. I am now borderline for both diabetes, and hypertension, I had a severe anxiety attack the day my mom was buried. I passed out, fell and broke both my right ankle and foot and had to be hospitalized for almost 3 weeks the same day of the funeral. I was a mental and disabled wrecking ball. I’m also a PTSD veteran, with severe anxiety, and depression so as you can imagine my mom’s death put me over the edge, it mind fucked me to the tenth power. Honestly, right about now I’m just a wee bit better. That’s why I am imploring you to be very careful that you don’t fall into the same health pitfalls that I’m dealing with right now. if you have the time and are financially able to Join a gym or some type of health program maybe wait about 8 months to a year or sooner if possible after your mother’s death.

Isn’t it funny I’m so angry at God I can’t even pray to help or save myself? However, I enjoy praying and helping others in need, oh well that’s the way my mom raised me I guess. I know that I must get myself right with God if I went to go to heaven to be with my mom because I know she will be expecting me to do the right thing. Family members and friends keep telling me it will get better and these trials and tribulations are just a test of my faith so Be Encourage!

Please review the information below about your health during the grief process:

Death Love and Heart attacks

Grief Can Kill You

Broken Heart syndrome

Example of grief killing

Panic Attacks and Anxiety due to grief

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